I Forbid You....

A Bit Disappointed
Last Christmas being....

Was browsing the net for some Christmas medley song when
the sudden thought of last holiday being SINGLE strucked me.
Guess, pre-wedding jitters is slowly crawling down my spine
as the day of the most awaited moment of my life
is fast approaching.
Yes, I'd be spending my last Christmas being single this 25th of December.
Three days after that,
Last Minute Detail

Well, it's a very long and I mean loooo00000nnng wedding prep.
I Forbid You, Event II

The Hint
"Dave, are you sure we're not going to end up blaming ourselves for this?" Lianne anxiously confronted her husband.
Dave let out a heavy sigh as he places his Attaché case back on the desk and reach out for Lianne's hand, "Li, it's been a year and a half and everything seemed to fall on its proper places. You worry too much for Grace"
"I just can't help it, Dave. I can't afford to risk Grace meeting her....."
"Oh, shush it will you?!" Dave swiftly cut her off. "I don't want to hear anything anymore starting this minute. This case is close and no, that...." he paused, "that thing will never happen."
Lianne could not do anything else but to obey her husband. After all, he's Mr. Dave Buckenfield......at law.
A Challege

and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.
Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house
or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake
and for the sake of the gospel who will not receive a hundred times more
now in this present age."
Mk 10:21b, 29-30
Another Year Added!!!

A happy happeh birthday, who ME? No, You!
I want to thank the Lord for giving me another year to journey with my life.
Another set of chance to share a WARM SMILE tO my family
Relatives, friends and enemies (if there's any).
My only wish for this day:
tHat God will uSe me as His instrument
in bringing JOY to othErs.
Have a hAppY and bLesSEd Natal Day tO ME! ^_^
First Letter
Yes, with a complete twist...lol.
I guess by now, you've noticed how I posted my answers.
Enjoy reading!
The Rules:
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can't use any answer twice and don't use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you're done, tag 5 people.
Jam-jam 'd clown' vs Barney (Comic Strip)
I Forbid You, Event I
Taste of Nature
I focused less about the weather the other day thinking it's just one of the heavy rains we are experiencing
EC Error
Our automatic widget scanner can't find any sign of the Entrecard widget on your website. To put the widget on, go to Get Code and put your choice of widget in your blog sidebar. Check my page now.
What could have been the prob? Am worried about the people who paid for their ads and I wasn't able to post it on my page or rather display. To all, am really sorry. I will try my best to really find the solution for this. Please bear with me.

The Reason

-Begin Copy-
This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.
1. Picturing of Life 2. Juliana’s Site 3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space5.My Family is my Life 6. The Simple Life of a Baghag 7. On A Wonderful Day Like Today 8. House Everything 9. The Creativity in Me 10. Travel and Photography 11. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 12. You Are My Sunshine 13.Song to Remember 14. Super Blog 15. Philiippine Tv Marathon 16.Simply Blue 17. Breaking the Boundaries 18. Top Five 19. A Simple Life 20. Simple Happy Life 21. Things That Matter Most 22. Business Matters 23. Amiable Amy 24. Beyond Photography 25. Beautiful Language 26. Beautiful Soul 27. Journey
First off, I want to thank Ann for sharing this one to me...Quite a start in updating my site...Thankies mah fwen. So, I want to pass this chain to my following fwens.....
Pamela Tan
Jodi Ainsworth
Ken Gaganting
and the rest of the bloggers around the world ^_^

Sentence: GUILTY!!!

Heya folks..I know, i know i've been away for more than a month..ohh, please don't stare at me like that, it kills me and makes me guilty for not updating this site. I am so sorry. I've got loads of drafts but haven't finished writing the whole part of it causing it all to go unpublished. Honestly, I feel so bad, really really bad about the whole writers block or whatever you will call it. I've been trying hard, this whole stuff of finding some sort of inspiration in writing is torturing my brains out. Well, it's not really that I don't have someone as my inspiration but it's just that ugh! I've got lots of crap running in my head and it hinders me putting into words what I really have in mind, [believe me I have so many things I wanna share but my focus in WRITING is kinda lost at the moment] -took a deep breath- oh well, I just hope I will have that spirit soon or maybe starts balancing my time over blogging and rping. I just hope you will not end up gettin' tired of waiting for my next post. ^_^

Handwriting=Inner Me

And the Rules are:
1. Write down who tagged you in white paper and your answer in number 2 and 3. Take a photo of it and upload the photo in your blog to share us how your handwriting looks like.
2. Answer these:
- your name/user name/ pseudo
- right handed or left handed ?
- your favorite letters to write ?
- your least favorite letters to write?
- Write " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "
3. Tag five people.
*bit her lower lip* Sorry guys...fun fun fun...see yah!

All the Reason to Continue Living...

She's the MOM! Ta-Da!!!
To all the moms, let your children feel pain and learn by themselves.

Are you being HONEST?
last two or three weeks ago...
I'm sorry for the delay but I guess this is the perfect time to show it off....
When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.
Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!
Here are ten honest things about the author:
Hum me a Lullaby...
Many of us are familiar with this kind of situation, referred as Insomnia, a condition in which a certain individual have trouble sleeping or staying asleep. It can range from mild to severe, depending on how long one is experiencing it. Long-lasting emotional stress, medicines, work habits, substances such as caffeine often times are the main cause of the disorder. Of which I certainly fall...lol...
Have you checked in?

Got Tagged
A- Attached or Single? – ATTACHED
B- Best Friend? – KARL
C- Cake or pie? – CAN I PICK BOTH? -lols
D- Day of choice? - TUESDAY -fireday-
E- Essential item? – DS Nintendo..yay!
F- Favorite Color? – ABSOLUTELY YELLOW
G- Gummy Bears or
I- Indulgence? - DS Mystery Games, PUZZLE, PHOTOS OF LIFE
J- June or July? – JUNE
K- Kids? – COMING SOON -smiles-
L- Life is not complete w/o – KARL AND OUR FAMILY
M- Marriage date? – upcoming event-
N- Number of magazine subscriptions –
O- Orange or apple? - APPLE
P- Phobias? – haha, check it on my post "afraid of"
Q- Quotes? – "Everything happens for a reason"
R- Reason to smile? – HOW COLORFUL LIFE IS...
S- Season of choice? – SPRING OR WINTER...
T- Tag people - SweetShelo, Ken, and PuNiao
U- Unknown fact about me – ;;thinking;; soft heart?
V- Vegetable? - CAULI...
W- Worst habit? – I usually hold the tip of my hair (unknowingly, I promise..)
X- Xray or ultrasound? - ULTRASOUND
Y- Your favorite foods? – ;;whispered;; i got more than 10 so...i'll stay quiet 'bout it..-lols
Z- Zodiac sign - LIBRA

A Meme....
-smiles- now am nervous...lols. So, here it goes (
Bled Heartily...
I disclose...
From the Start
Hi, I'm Ms. Ashley, a young girl of Rizzy's age who grew up with simple yet complicated life. Both of my relatives on mother and father's side were expecting a lot of me, especially on my studies. It is a lot of expectation though but I managed to be always on the honor list. But none of it made me happy. Why? 'cause I'm only doin' it for my family. As I grew up, I had been exposed to different types of people, be in different places and culture. I tried living life as simple as possible but life isn't fair- not with me. I got friends, yes, but just plain friends of which made me often wonder what could possibly was wrong with me that I couldn't even keep just one. Am always in between of any fights in the group and got to be blamed for all of it. Have tried pleasing everyone but it isn't enough. They just come in and out of my life - no permanent at all.
Depression enveloped my being but I hide it to myself. Wearing happy and contented mask is the only weapon I got. People would actually describe me
Sad to belong...
I was listening to itunes this afternoon and got myself humming over and over again with the song "Oh, It's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along- by England Dan & John Ford Coley". I don't know but it just made me wonder somehow, how could one possibly know that the person he/she just met while being committed to someone else is the right one? *smiles* Personally, I don't think it's possible, not because it didn't happened to me (believe me, it happened a lot of times..lolz), but what's not possible is when you say - the right one comes along. I mean, how would you know really? The worst thing I could think of that could possibly happen to a person being in the situation is: let's say....you're engaged then you met this person (in between), you shared a lot of common things and became intimate then you decided to end your current relationship, only to realize later that you've got wrong interpretation of the whole situation - 'bout your feelings. For sure you will end up saying (still part of the song) "wish I have a time machine, until the day I was born and I would live my life again, and rearrange it so that I'll be back..." not to be yours but to stay in my relationship. ^.^ -giggles-
The whole process of finding True Love lies on how you put meaning towards Existence.
how will you ever find love?"

Afraid of....

On Process...