'Twas the fourth of June when I saw him again. I was busy reading my all time fave book by Anne Rice when I heard his name being mentioned by the group of cheer squad seated next to my table. Obviously, he got all the eyes of every girl in the campus. I must admit, they have all the reason to do so, for I, myself, admire his perfection as well. He's a straight 'A' student. Excels in almost all of the extra-curricular activities in school. An active member and a leader at the same time of different school organizations. 'Tis my second year here in Vermont High but I've learned a lot of things about him. How will I not, when he's always the talk of every student in our campus.
"He's coming! Victor is coming here!" A girl in her pony-tailed brunette hair said with so much gusto to another girl beside her. I could feel my own blood rushing thru my vein and rested upon my cheek upon hearing her. Blushed.
Why do I always feel this way whenever he's around?
With my fingers curled around the edge of the book am reading, I lift it up, bring it closer to my face and uses it as a shield to fight against my eagerness to see him as well.
Control. The best thing you could do, I told myself but still wasn't able to contain my own excitement.
One quick look will not do any harm, right? Besides, he will not notice me. Of course! He will not, I continued conversing thru my mind while sneaking a look at him..
A pair of almond eyes met my gaze and causes me to almost fell from my seat. I quickly covered my face with the book once more, cursing myself for getting caught.
Darn! He saw me. Stupid, stupid! I muttered. But wait, he's smiling. Yes, he's smiling wh-when.....Oh no, no! I fought back at the thought. Maybe he's smiling at someone else, not to me.
I turned my head and frowned seeing no one.
Why do I always feel this way whenever he's around?
With my fingers curled around the edge of the book am reading, I lift it up, bring it closer to my face and uses it as a shield to fight against my eagerness to see him as well.
Control. The best thing you could do, I told myself but still wasn't able to contain my own excitement.
One quick look will not do any harm, right? Besides, he will not notice me. Of course! He will not, I continued conversing thru my mind while sneaking a look at him..
A pair of almond eyes met my gaze and causes me to almost fell from my seat. I quickly covered my face with the book once more, cursing myself for getting caught.
Darn! He saw me. Stupid, stupid! I muttered. But wait, he's smiling. Yes, he's smiling wh-when.....Oh no, no! I fought back at the thought. Maybe he's smiling at someone else, not to me.
I turned my head and frowned seeing no one.
"Looking for something?" A man's voice startled me from my own thoughts, making the book fell on the floor.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He said apologetically while picking up my book. I absentmindedly nodded in response.
You almost got me fainted just by saying a word, I silently thought while taking the book from his hand.
"I'm really sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to scare you." He leaned, stating the words almost like a whisper, avoiding making any scene at the school library.
"Oh, no no. It's okay." I quickly respond in the same volume. "You didn't scare me at all." I continued trying to convince even myself. His presence indeed sends some lashing force in me.
"Hmm, can I join you?"
I pressed on my lips and nodded, grabbing all my paper notes and placed it on my side.
"Victor, you can join us here. The table isn't full yet" The girl from the other table call out but not too loud to be noticed by the librarian.
"It's okay, I'll have it here." He politely responds then turns his head back to me with a smile. "I just need a moment of silence for once." He stresses out while placing his piles of book on the table. I could hear the other girls mumbling, slightly pissed at Victor for choosing my table over theirs. But in his eyes, I could clearly see that he's getting annoyed being popular and having such attention from the others.
Who could have thought someone as popular as he would want to share a table with me...but then again, why? I discussed silently. Smiling every now and then as both of us turns our attention into reading.
Footnote: Since I do some role playing, I thought of 'why not give it a try on writing a short story' as part of my blogs. Every month I will try to come up with different stories, hopefully it will be something that will keep you coming back on my page. (",)

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