I was listening to itunes this afternoon and got myself humming over and over again with the song "Oh, It's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along- by England Dan & John Ford Coley". I don't know but it just made me wonder somehow, how could one possibly know that the person he/she just met while being committed to someone else is the right one? *smiles* Personally, I don't think it's possible, not because it didn't happened to me (believe me, it happened a lot of times..lolz), but what's not possible is when you say - the right one comes along. I mean, how would you know really? The worst thing I could think of that could possibly happen to a person being in the situation is: let's say....you're engaged then you met this person (in between), you shared a lot of common things and became intimate then you decided to end your current relationship, only to realize later that you've got wrong interpretation of the whole situation - 'bout your feelings. For sure you will end up saying (still part of the song) "wish I have a time machine, until the day I was born and I would live my life again, and rearrange it so that I'll be back..." not to be yours but to stay in my relationship. ^.^ -giggles-
The whole process of finding True Love lies on how you put meaning towards Existence.
how will you ever find love?"

Nice, god bless!
Hi Pete..thanks for droppin'...
you know what, i have been hearing this song most of the time in the radio lately...
and i have pondered on this yesterday..
how can you really tell that the one who came along is the right one when you already belong to someone else?
but while reading your post, i remembered my favorite movie. "serendipity". =)
well, i have something for you..
click here for details...
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