-smiles- now am nervous...lols. So, here it goes (
- Followed my crush on his class schedules. I mean, I enrolled on the same minor subject sched just to be wiff him PLUS counts the number of shirts he's wearing..I got it recorded on my mini journal...ha ha...CRAZY ME!
- Hmmm...Wrote his name on a piece of paper while chanting the spell I got from an article, burned it then hid the ash on the altar. I wonder if it worked - lols -
- Talked to him on an empty classroom and told him I have a crush on him. Yay! My bad...the MU stuff didn't last that long.
- Tease him a lot...there was this one night, we we're having some chit chat when suddenly out of nowhere, forehead to forehead -> lightning strikes in a smack- Smart move but we actually ended up in a relationship. -lols- my ever first boyfriend.
- Okay..last of my revelation. Thank goodness, 'cuz am about to fall from my sit in shame. lols. Nah--totally kidding. Anyway, here it goes, I was at one of the internet cafe near the school chatting while surfing the net, waiting for my next class when this crush of mine sit next to me. Got me conscious though but to make it not obvious, I asked his email address so I could send him some Valentine e-card. -giggles- So, I wrote some lines, as if am his girlfriend and key in the send button. It was just for fun really but for the record - that one move, that very flirty crush victim of mine is the very man am marrying now...lols..Success!!!
Ow, don't forget to have your name listed here so I would know who participated...Luck! To PuNiao, Muchas Gracias!

hahahha this is unique I like what you did...You might read mine too. See you.
Life'sJ,,,hi,,haha,,yup yup yup..me and my crazy self before...lols..and i visited your page too...nice one you got...
Hi Rizzy,
Nice postings. Keep up the
good works. I'll be back.
Hi, Rizz:
I always knew you were more than just a pretty face! I almost got mad at you over that flirty bit, bueno lang it turned out to be K.
See you all soon. God bless.
- Tto Tony
Elo Tito Ton...hehe...that was before-back on my younger years...hehe..etu gyot...well thanks for the visit...hope you'll read also my reflections post...and see you soon...
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