Our automatic widget scanner can't find any sign of the Entrecard widget on your website. To put the widget on, go to Get Code and put your choice of widget in your blog sidebar. Check my page now.
What could have been the prob? Am worried about the people who paid for their ads and I wasn't able to post it on my page or rather display. To all, am really sorry. I will try my best to really find the solution for this. Please bear with me.

Hi Riz, been long too since I;ve been here..hehe, thanks for revisiting..
Anyway, many of us have the same ec prob.. we get that get code something on the EC view.. It has been days now..
I think you need to read the updates at the blog.
We don't have paid ads anymore.
Thanks for the visit and the comment as well in response to my post. Maybe, I must have missed that. Instead of checking the updates, I panicked 'cuz of worries. Am checking the updates now.
@sweet she
Hello Sis, thanks for the visit. Yea, it's been too long since the last time i updated my blog...good thing I found my way back here. Always, I love all your post. ^_^
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