Was browsing the net for some Christmas medley song when
the sudden thought of last holiday being SINGLE strucked me.
Guess, pre-wedding jitters is slowly crawling down my spine
as the day of the most awaited moment of my life
is fast approaching.
Yes, I'd be spending my last Christmas being single this 25th of December.
Three days after that, I will be wearing this bond
that forever will hold me captive (willingly, that is).
Survey says, at most, brides and grooms usually gets nervous before wedding.
Pre-wedding jitters - cold feets - bridal nerves
- last minute anxiety is pretty normal.
Marriage is a big step in one's life - a total different stage,
others may consider it as something above any other achievements in life.
Thus, it's only normal to experience such.
Five years before I ever met my hubby to be,
marriage never crossed my mind.
I was left at the thought of being alone for the rest of my life.
Having books, cds, music and the like, the only companion meant for me.
But then again, my views in life has changed eversince I met him.
It was no longer a decision of one but of two person sharing one's life,
creating a whole new set of entity
that only fate has the rightful reason why they've met.
And having jitters and all that stuffs doesn't mean
that we're not meant for each other,
or that I am having second thoughts of marrying
this wonderful person I've been with for almost five years but...
after taking a break from wedding planning,
after spending some time without all the worries of the preparations,
I've realized that the anxieties I'm experiencing right now
is caused by all the stress we've been through
in the months of planning.
Taking into consideration all the stuffs
just to have a next to perfection wedding ceremony.
Hmmm....last Holiday being Single, huh?!
Well, if waking up the following day
next to the love of your life,
next to the person who completes the
haft beat of your heart,
then living life isn't such a waste.
Hi Rizz,
I hope that things would be fine although you'll be spending this Christmast as a single lady.
Hi Harry,
Thanks for the visit and am wishing you a blessed holiday.
'tis okay Harry...
this would be your last christmas being single my Love...and the rest will be with me...forever...
iLoVeYoU Ma...
Hope it all went well for you, congratulations.
Hi Rizz,
You're now reading this as a married woman! Congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosperous marriage. Aloha ~
@selfdep: Thanks and it did ended well ^_^...
@air: Aloha!!! Thanks for the visit. I feel bad not being able to update my blog --- being out of the compy for quite a long time. But then again, am out for a good reason right? being married is kinda a new stage and I just hope I can manage my time well so I could update this site - work, married life, blog, etc...Thanks again...
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