When I was still in High School, my friends and I used to hang out almost every weekend. We used to travel a lot also 'coz most of us were part of the Cultural Troupe and other organizations in school. Every summer, the Kleinfelter's Family [the name we called our group, kleinfelter, is a common misspelling of the original syndrome called the klinefelter syndrome, a type of genetic disorder in the male chromosomal condition, having an extra X chromosome instead of the XY chromosome], wait...enough of the discussion of klinefelter syndrome. Kinda forgot, I am blogging here about our group not the syndrome...Anyway, if you're going to ask why we named our group after that, well, actually i don't know. Maybe I have to ask our group if we're going to have reunion.
Okay, going back
to what we do every summer, we usually have this hiking activity...going to, where? Well, wherever our feet will lead us to. Funny, 'coz the first time we did this, it led us to the top of this certain mountain with seven semi-satellites, just beside the Pulumbato. How? We really didn't have the idea. That's what you call, ADVENTURE...(too bad we didn't bring cameras with us). From the top, you will really see the beauty of Zamboanga City, the sweet breeze of fresh air. Quite tiring though but it's worth it. The only problem is, we ran out of water. Oh well, I guess we'll take note of it next time.

Part two---Still, in summer, we went on hiking again. This time w

------Update of our Hiking Adventure?,,,,,,,,,
Pams was planning to have it on 2009....
"Who knows, there might be really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!"

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