Ever become so bored of the usual yearbook you're having at the end of your years in school? Well, not anymore--- 'cause E-yearbook was already made available in the net. But have you noticed that there's still this itsy-bitsy teeny weeny missing piece? A typical yearbook, whether it be the old hard copy or advanced (e-yearbook) , is a book to highlight, commemorate the past years or memories in school which includes pictures, autographs, field of interests, etc. of students. It is given or rather distributed at the end of the year for students can have it signed for personal messages from their classmates and teachers as well. But isn't it so limited? I mean the pictures, messages and other stuffs? Okay, let me put it this way, of course you have what you think all the information you needed for your classmates and friends, but do you know all the students that's in there? Or is your data updated? Of what is really going on in real life? Let's face it, the answer would be a big "NO". Hmmm...I guess by now you'd already have an idea that I'm up to something. Well, hell YEAH!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but what really inspired me to start creating / posting blogs is because of this site I recently visited. Have you ever visited myYearbook.com ? You heard me right, the US's No. 3 Social Network site (from YPulse.com report), the site that would connect you to anyone, everyone like never before.
I must admit, I'm one of those you may call addicted to friendster, myspace, hi5, etc. I kept my friendster updated all the time but never got satisfied. I kept on changing my layouts, reorganize my pictures, and then post bulletins, check my comments and inbox. I kept on doing this over and over again. It was plain and flat. Nothing more. But talking 'bout myYearbook? Well, it got all the things that would make you forget that you're actually bored. myYearbook was founded by two teens, Catherine and Dave, Spring Break 2005. It has different features of which you can enjoy. Among its features are 'Match' , where you can make new connections of interest, 'Games', enables you to earn your own $Lunch Money, 'Battles', where you can battle for best pet, best looking to other users, 'MyMag', where individuals discuss for certain issues and stuff and a lot more...But you know, what feature really impressed me and made me decide to stay?Well, it's the feature you call 'CAUSES'...why? It is where myYearbook users can choose from a number of causes like End World Hunger, Fight Global Warming, Help Cure Cancer and End Child Abuse. The Lunch Money that you're earning from playing games can be used to donate $40 per grain of rice to end world hunger or $18 per millisecond of research time to help cure cancer and others....You are actually playing for a cause, turning your virtual money to real money to real charities + you can choose different advertisers that you want to be displayed on your profile. Advertising adds up your LunchMoney. This is the very feature of this site that others don't have. You can chat all you want, enjoy customizing your profile, take up quizzes, play games and battle around. You will never get bored when you're online. Now this is what I'm talking about...What are you waiting for? Check it out for yourself then...[Click the myYearbook icon above]
I can't believe I'm saying this, but what really inspired me to start creating / posting blogs is because of this site I recently visited. Have you ever visited myYearbook.com ? You heard me right, the US's No. 3 Social Network site (from YPulse.com report), the site that would connect you to anyone, everyone like never before.

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