On this day of your life, Rizza, we believe God wants you to know ... that difficult people are very important, - they teach you tolerance and acceptance. | |
![]() | If all was going your way all the time, you would become a spoiled child, wouldn't everyone? Difficult people are just one of the ways God teaches us to expand beyond our egos and accept other perspectives on life. |
Got this from one of the many applications in Facebook
and I thought of sharing this on my site.
It's not everyday that we got the chance to open our Bible
and reflect on God's word.
Because of our busy scheds on our everyday life,
we sometimes fail to hear that small voice calling for our attention.
Sometimes we need to stumble upon this kind of apps
to be aware and be awakened.
And this message holds truth.
It's like, our imperfections
is God's way of reminding us
that no one has the right to judge others worth.
Hhhmmmmmm ......
What a beautiful phrase
Although you said you've got it from Facebook, but you've said it nicely.
Many people, incl me, tend to be so upset when facing difficult people that they lose passion.
Include me then on the list, 'cause even though I belong to the BLD Community, a christian community here in our place, sometimes when I face difficulties in life, I deviate myself in calling for God's guidance. I, sometimes forget that in Him I will always have the peace of mind I'm yearning for.
But then, I'm thankful that I've faced such difficulties, cuz if it didn't happened, I will not be able to appreciate life in general.
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