We had our Lenten Recollection last night and this video was presented for us to reflect - most especially dedicated to parents. While watching it, my mouth was wide open in shock and I kept on shaking my head. Why? I can't picture or rather chose not to picture myself being her daughter at all. She's tough and wow, am actually out of words to describe her, she's actually the kind of mom who will never listen to reasons other than hers. However, if you will try to look deeper, you would say that she's somehow right on how she discipline her children but then again, you would never wish your mom to be like her. Ah, not at all! I'll bet my house on it....lols...
(but I would still suggest that you use your heart in watching the video and you will see the message)
To all the moms, let your children feel pain and learn by themselves.
To all the moms, let your children feel pain and learn by themselves.